
Simply scroll through each news post below. Click/tap ‘read more’ to view the full article or view in Twitter/LinkedIn by clicking/tapping on the icons where shown.

Team News

Aquilar Doubles Staff Over Two Years

Due to the increasing demand for Leak Detection in the building services sector, Aquilar has experienced significant growth over the past two years. With more stringent environmental standards being enforced... read more →

New AT-G-ALERT Coming Feb 2017

Refrigerant Gas Detector for Occupied Spaces.  Aquilar is pleased to announce the launch of the new AT-G-ALERT. This new and improved product will replace the existing AT-G-SENSE as of mid-February,... read more →

Detek Systems

Aquilar Ltd announces the recent (Nov 2014) acquisition of the Detek Systems range of water leak detection. Retiring owner and managing director... read more →