Case Study – Tank Farm

  • Oil tanks

Case Study – Tank Farm

Avoiding ground water pollution at tank farm

TraceTek systems provide early warning of oil leaks into soil

CASE STUDY: Coast Oil Co., San Jose, USA

Coast Oil Co., a distributor of gasoline, diesel fuel and lubricants, sought the most effective means of fulfilling its responsibility to ensure it met the Regional Water Quality Control Board’s standards for the prevention of ground water pollution at its San Jose tank farm. Here the company has twelve closely grouped small diameter tanks.
The challenge was to retro-fit this facility with an effective leak detection system to monitor the soil beneath the tanks without interrupting commercial operations.

Tyco Thermal Controls provided the solution with its cable-based TraceTek leak detection system using TT5000 sensing cable which contains a hydrocarbon scavenging material. Installed within PVC conduit in the soil beneath fuel tanks it offers a system capable of quickly detecting fuel leaks. Any spillage is drawn into the conduit by capillary action and contact is absorbed by the cable jacket which swells and as contact is made with the electrodes in the cable core leak detection is achieved. TraceTek systems are offered with continuous monitoring equipment for very quick detecting, precise locating and triggering alerts.

At this tank farm, rather than continuous monitoring, Coast Oil operators opted to make for periodic measurements with a battery-powered TraceTek test instrument at junction boxes on vertical risers. This allowed the site to set up a testing regime.

Man by tank
Avoiding ground water pollution at tank farm - case study
Oil Tank Farm