Case Study – HM Treasury

  • Treasury

Case Study – HM Treasury, Cabinet War Rooms Museum

Tracetek Water Leak Detection Installed at HM Treasury – Cabinet War Rooms Museum

Tyco Thermal Controls’ Tracetek Water Leak Detection sensing cables and heat-tracing systems have been installed for frost protection, hot water temperature maintenance and water leak detection in Phase One of a major refurbishment project at HM Treasury building in Parliament Square, London. This extensive and complex building houses one of the major Government departments and has the Cabinet War Rooms Museum located within its basement levels.

In Phase One – the western half of this historic building – Axima Building Services Ltd was responsible for the new air conditioning system on the project and commissioned specialists Delta ‘T’, based at Barnet, to engineer and install all the electric heat-tracing and leak detection systems.

A significant feature of the contract has been the placement of Tyco Thermal Control’s TraceTek leak detection system. In excess of 2.3km of TraceTek TT1000 water sensing cable has been installed above the Cabinet War Rooms Museum, at ground floor level and within sub floors, as a safeguard for the irreplaceable artefacts and exhibits which form a unique piece of British history.

Delta T has installed over 1.5km of Tyco Thermal Controls’ Raychem heat-tracing cables, to provide frost protection to the chilled and cold-water feeds and to protect the radiator and air conditioning plumbing whilst static. In addition heat-tracing cable has been fitted to all deadleg sections of the new hot water system.

This combined package of TraceTek leak detection and the Raychem heat-tracing cables will help safeguard the building for years to come.


