Case Study – 1 America Square

  • Building

Case Study – 1 America Square

Multi-Zone Leak Detection at 1 America Square

Aquilar recently completed a leak detection project on the 8th and 9th floor of 1 America Square London, for the Association of British Insurers. The requirement was to monitor different tea points for any leaks from water pipes, drainage pipes, dishwashers, coffee machines etc. To best serve this application, Aquilar chose the AquiTron and TraceTek water leak detection multi-zone system.

An AquiTron AT-MZA multi-zone alarm panel was installed in the open-plan area to ensure that staff would be able to hear, and respond to, alarms efficiently. So as to be less visually obtrusive, the panel was discretely semi flush wall-mounted.

At the low level of the tea point, below the cabinets, Aquilar proposed the TraceTek TT1000 water sensing cable. The cable ensures rapid detection of water leaks and signals at the AT-MZA which area has the issue.

Should a water leak be detected from any of these sources, the AT-MZA panel would also immediately shut off the cold water supply to the relevant area via its connection to a solenoid valve, limiting further damage and disruption.

Once the leak has been repaired and the sensing cable has been dried, the valve automatically resets. This reset process is made very simple due to the TT1000’s fluoropolymer construction. It doesn’t trap water and therefore allows the cable to be dried within seconds of being removed from the affected area. If necessary, it can even be wiped with a cloth. Consequently, the entire leak detection system can be reset with ease and efficiency.

TT1000 water sensing cable installed below a tea point

Water sensing probe fitted within a tea point cabinet behind a water heater