BIM Leak Detection Products

  • We are BIM ready - Aquilar BIM logo


BIM for water, fuel and refrigerant leak detection systems


We are BIM ready

Supporting a new era of digital modelling that will enable the construction industry to design leak detection systems with greater clarity, more foresight and build with greater accuracy using exact requirements, we are ready for Building Information Modelling (BIM); offering a wide selection of BIM objects that are free to download, you can head to the BIM Library section where you will be able to download models for REVIT.

We understand the benefits of using BIM when undertaking a new building construction project. From building design through to construction and even while the building is in use, the BIM process allows valuable information about our products to be shared with planners, consultants, integrators and contractors. This means that everyone involved in the construction and commissioning of a new project is able to share information more easily and drill down into design specifications at any stage of a project allowing for collaboration with greater efficiency.

What are we providing?

You can use our models in two different ways:

  1. Register and download the models directly from our website
  2. Register and download our plugin that integrates with REVIT, this will give you a portal to our product selector which can be used straight from REVIT

What’s in the BIM library?

Products and system to cover these construction projects:

BIM for TraceTek and AquiTron water leak detection
BIM for TraceTek and AquiTron fuel, diesel leak detection
BIM for leak detection for BREEAM systems for Wat03 and Pol01
BIM for Refrigerant gas leak detection
BIM for Wireless water leak detection
BIM for SONIC – smart automatic water shut-off valve


If you have a project that Aquilar can assist with, please call us on + 44 (0)1403 216100

Click here to contact Aquilar