Hi, I’m new here, I drink tea and I know things! Here’s some interesting questions and answers about me:
Regarding the job, what do you do?
I am the new technical product support guy, helping the technical team answer the nitty gritty questions our customer base has, solving problems, providing a comprehensive troubleshoot guide over the phone, via email and occasional site visits when required. I also create/design/develop easy to follow guides for the products we provide.
Favourite quote
“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”
Would you rather have to eat pizza every day for a year or never be able to eat pizza again?
I think we all know the answer to this one!
Favourite film
LOTR extended edition..no breaks in between.
Where do you come from?
I have had varied careers throughout the years from physiotherapy for the NHS, to plumbing, and most recently an electrical and mechanical role with Siemens for the past 7 years. I decided I wanted to learn different roles in life to develop myself and see what truly stood out for me. I didn’t see a reason to just stay in one job when there’s so many out there!
If you could have a career in anything, what would it be?
Working in creating a renewable endless source of energy to end oppressive ideals. Basically Ironman.
One piece of advice you will never forget
“Be nice to people on your way up, because you’ll meet them on your way down.”
What do you like most about working at Aquilar?
I enjoy learning the new systems and having a specialised team to help when needed. This gives me time to develop and work on my own knowledge. There is always something to learn here.